Hi all, This is my first post to the forum, which was recommended to me by a pal of mine who is a current member. I am the grandson of Emanuel Stern, who was an Unteroffizier in the Prussian Field Artillery in the Great War. He served in Feldartillerie Regts. Nr. 47, Nr. 57 and Nr. 43 between late 1914 and the Armistice. If you would like to know more about him and his experiences, and see some pictures he took from the front, please visit: http://sites.google.com/site/ph0ebus13/home It has taken me many years to gather the information I have, and I know there is much more to learn. I look forward to many interesting discussions. If you have questions for me please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks, -Daniel
Hello Daniel, pretty welcome here in the forum. I hope you´ll enjoy, have fun and meet a lot of new friends (and some "old" Ruhrpottpreussen! )! Best regards, Jens p.s.: you have a very nice site, with some very interesting pictures from your grandfather (with the tank)!
Hello Daniel, welcome in the forum! Hope you´ll have much fun here. Very nice site about your grandfather! :s37: Best regards, Thorsten
Hi all, Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I am getting oriented to the forum and will likely be putting up a few a questions shortly. Thanks, -Daniel
Hello Daniel, A welcome to you from the Netherlands. Enjoy your stay at this international Forum Regards, René
Hello Daniel. Welcome here in the forum . have a nice time with us and stay here many days at time. regards from the good old germany Martin.
Hello Dan! Now I will welcome you officially in our nice forum. I´m glad you found the way tu us (after we know each other for two years...) Hope you´ll have a lot of fun!!!! Cheers, mate!
Hey Daniel, Welcome to the forum. Lots of good stuff here. If you need any assistance with anything, there are plenty of great guys here that would be more than happy to help. Enjoy! Chip K.C., MO
HOWDY to the big Apple! Hope it wasn´t too hard to find the way to the only RIGHT forum of this epoche in the whole world!!!!! ;-) Enjoy the forum and it´s members and be sure everybody will help ya as much as they can! So welcome to the forum! Say "Hi" to the "world"! ;-) Best regards Tom
And that is good! We have a live chat too, or if you want, take "Skype". Some of us use it too. The only problem is, probably, the time difference. I think, you´ll learn a lot and you´ll find new friends here! :s6:
Hi Andy, The time difference may make it tough to Skype, but you never know. Thanks for the PM, I think I fixed the Avatar problem! -Daniel